Early last month, I was invited for a virtual podcast interview, and the last question they asked me was, "What is the best decision you have made this year as a writing coach since your coaching journey began?" With a thoughtful pause, I replied, "I've made numerous decisions I don't regret, but one of the best decisions I've ever made this year as a writing coach is,

*"RETURNING THE MENTORSHIP FEE TO ONE OF MY STUDENTS TO HIM BECAUSE OF HIS DISCOURAGING AND UNSERIOUS ATTITUDE TO LEARNING. It was a tough call, but I took that step to make him realize my worth and the value of what he's receiving for the penny he's paying.* In the end, after sincerely apologising for almost a week, and I finally accepted him back as a student,

he willingly offered to pay TWICE the amount I charged, and promised that after our mentorship session, I will address him as ONE OF MY FAVOURITE MALE STUDENTS. I thought he was playing. Today, he's the same individual whose recent status update I screenshot and shared on my own status, expressing my pride in his achievements. Dear coaches, regardless of your niche, your students or mentees may be paying you, 

but the money they pay is merely a commitment fee. It pales in comparison to the time, knowledge, and value you offer them. Therefore, as a coach, even if you're in dire need of that money, please don't undermine yourself by making it seem like you can't survive without their mentorship fees. If they misbehave, warn them, and if they continue, TREAT THEIR FUCK UP! Yes! I mean, if being a coach or teacher were as easy as some students ignorantly think it is, 

then any Tom and Harry on the street can claim that title. Dear coaches, be nice, but don't allow your students to take you for granted. Demand the respect you rightfully deserve as a coach. Let them recognize your value. Never beg anyone to learn. Be intentional and consistent in everything you do, maintain a strong and positive relationship with your students or mentees, create an environment where they feel comfortable learning from you and sharing things with you, 

support their goals, help them become better versions of themselves, and most importantly, constantly remind them that YOU MAY BE THEIR COACH, BUT YOU ARE STILL HUMAN, AND THAT MAKES YOU UNAPOLOGETICALLY IMPERFECT. Do all these sincerely, and witness your respect and admiration among your students soar from nothing to something, and from zero to above average.

My name is Sakeenah, popularly known as Sakeenah'Writes. I am a value and purpose-driven content writer, writing coach, Teen Coach, and compere.

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