Hey guys, how are we doing? Welcome to another episode of SPEAK RIGHT WITH SAKEENAH'WRITES, and today SHOMOLU AND I will be discussing two words, ADDY and IN ADVANCE. Let's go! 

ME: Haaa, Shomolu, how are you doing na? It's been a while o!

SHOMOLU: Kini? You that you are scarce like fuel. Anyway I'm good, how about you dear?

ME: I have been good, just that school activities have been draining me. How about your project? Are you done?

SHOMOLU: Hmmm, my project is...(phone rings) Sekinah, please let me take this call. Hello Tayo, howva na? In addy to you my boss. How will tomorrow be na? Shey you don... Hello! Hello!! Hello!!! Shaii the network is very terrible.

ME: Shomolu, who is doing birthday, and what do you mean by "IN ADDY" o? Just because everyone is saying "IN ADDY" doesn't mean it's right. My dear, "IN ADDY" has got no intrinsic or extrinsic relationship with birthday wishes, In fact, "IN ADDY" is the abbreviation for ADDRESS. So basically what you are saying is "in royal address."

SHOMOLU: Haaaa! God ooo! This girl has come again! Where did you come from sef? Oya give me proof that it's wrong. 

ME: You have a phone right? So, log into Google and confirm it yourself. (Shomolu logs into Google, and is shocked to see that "IN ADDY" is truly the short form of "ADDRESS." 

SHOMOLU: Haaaaa! Wait, so na rubbish we dey speak all these years. God! You are right o. Shaii!

ME: Yes dear, we have all been speaking rubbish, but admitting that we are wrong and correcting it is what makes us different from the rest, and I'm glad you admitted it. The correct word is, "IN ADVANCE DEAR OR HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY IN ADVANCE." So, next time don't say, "In Addy RATHER, say "In Advance." It doesn't cost you your saliva(with a bombastic side eye).


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