Dear youths, I know it feels good to be called a YOUTH right, especially because your DAYS of being excessively MONITORED and constantly REPRIMANDED are OVER, and hardly will ANYBODY compel YOU to do that WHICH you DON'T want to DO, for NOW you are A FULL grown ADULT. 

Still I want you to KNOW that the fact that you are NOW a YOUTH does not MEAN that you are ABOVE MISTAKES or that you can DO and UNDO, for the FACT about LIFE still REMAINS that after every ACTION comes a REPERCUSSION (CONSEQUENCES).

Sequel to this, I want to know that if TEN YEARS from now you CANNOT look BACK at your LIFE as a YOUTH and THANK GOD for the fact that you chose the path you are THREADING now, if TEN YEARS from now you WILL NOT feel PROUD at YOURSELF for the DECISIONS you are MAKING now as a YOUTH, 

and if TEN YEARS from now, you WILL NOT be able proudly SHARE the STORY of how you LIVED your LIFE as a youth to your OFFSPRINGS(children and grand children), then know that you are not only THREADING THE WRONG PATH, as well as MOVING with the WRONG set of PEOPLE, but YOU are also WASTING your LIFE as a YOUTH. 

So, do you want to WASTEFULLY enjoy life NOW and LIVE the REST of your TOMORROW in REGRET, or you want to STICK to your VALUES by AVOIDING all FORMS of IMMORALITY, and ABNORMALITY, and ENJOY a FRUITFUL and RESPECTFUL life TOMORROW. The choice is yours!


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