"Artificial intelligence (AI) may be thriving today, it may be replacing Hunan capital in many companies and businesses today, but the fact still remains that as long humans exist,
and as long as we humans are the founders of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, then be it in the aspect of writing, building or ANYTHING, AI CAN NEVER surpass HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. I mean how can a CREATION know more than its CREATOR, IMPOSSIBLE!"
Fellow humans, as we step into the blissful month of AUGUST, let us celebrate the incredible power of human intelligence. May this month be a reminder of the limitless potential that lies within each of us. Embrace your intellectual gifts and strive to expand your knowledge and understanding.
Let your intelligence guide you towards meaningful goals and inspire those around you. Remember, intelligence is not only about knowledge, but also about using it wisely and compassionately to impart and impact positively into the lives of those around you. On this note, I wish you a prosperous and happy new month filled with endless possibilities!
© Sakeenah'writes.