1. Live as you will, but remember that one day you are going to die:
Dear brethren, let's desist from living a life of extravagance, let's desist from prioritizing our worldly desires and pursuit of happiness over our love for Allah and his commandments, for everything will perish except that which we do for the sake of Allah.
Enough of the clubbing, drinking, haram relationships, zinah, listening to Haram music and all that Allah has made forbidden. Or have we forgotten the verse of the Quran that says, "Verily every soul shall taste death," have we forgotten the agony of the grave(may Allah not make us victims of it), and have we forgotten that we are going to account for every thing we do BOTH IN THE HIDDEN AND OPEN on the day of judgement.
Verily this world is only there to distract us from the worship of Allah, but let us keep striving earnestly towards the path of Allah so as not to go astray, and I pray that bi'idhnillah Allah will continue to safeguard our faith and strengthen us in Iman. Amin!
2. Love whom you will but remember that one day you will be separated from that person:
Love is a beautiful feeling, but when we love, we should love that which will bring us closer to Allah, we should love only for the sake of Allah, and when we do, we should not prioritize our love for the creation over the creation, for one day we will depart from them, but Allah is always going to remain.
3. Do as you will, but know that for every act there's a consequence, and one day you will be rewarded accordingly:
Dear brethren do not think that the consequences of our actions will begin only when we enter the grave. No! Every action has its own consequences, and the consequences of our actions, be it good or bad starts now, right from our stay on this earth.
So, before we do or say anything, let's ask ourselves why we are doing or saying that thing, let's think about the consequences, for Allah sees all and we will be rewarded accordingly, and like Allah's blessings are enormous and cannot be compared to anything in this world, likewise his punishment is also severe and cannot be compared to the agony or trials of this world. May Allah make us among the dwellers of Al-Jannah (heaven) and shield us from his agony as well as the burning fire of Jahannam (hell). Amin!
4. Know that the nobility of a believer is standing up in prayer at night:
Indeed Allah created the day and night, day to work and night to rest, which is why he blessed us with sleep. But the most noble amongst us is he who sacrifices his sleep at night and supplicate to Allah in worship with a sincere and open heart.
Dear brethren, waking up in the middle of the night is undoubtedly not an easy task, but if we really want the mercy of Allah then we must strive to wake up in the middle of the night and pray TAHAJJUD. May Allah continue to strengthen us in faith and may he accept all our good deeds as an act of Ibadah. Amin!
5. And as for the izza(dignity) of man, it is being independent of people(man) financially, mentally, emotionally or physically and dependent on Allah alone:
Dear brethren, be it in turbulent, trying, good, joyful or bad times, turn to Allah alone for he is the one who created us and only he has the power to give and take. So rather than depending on the creation, let's depend solely on the creator (Allah) for everything, no matter how big or small.
It is not enough for us to just read this content, please let's us digest and ponder on the gravity of each line and not take for granted these pieces of advice. May Allah continue to increase us in beneficial knowledge and may Allah not make us among the dwellers of Jahannam (hell fire).